You can access the market intelligence app and search reliable, complete and accurate information of foreign trade around the world through SISDUAN.
You can also access specialized information from the Colombian maritime sector through SISMAR.
SICEX includes import and export movements reported by several countries around the world:
South America: Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil and Bolivia.
Central America: Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
Caribbean: Dominican Republic
North America: United States and Canada
Europe: United Kingdom and countries within the European Union.
Asia: China, Japan, Korea, Thailand and Indonesia.
Oceania: New Zealand
The information available depends on the fields allowed by customs in each country.
How to access SICEX?
The access to the SICEX app is completely free, just by registering with your social media. If you dont want to register you can use the incognito button to enter.
How does SICEX work?
SICEX queries through the SISDUAN module information of foreign trade of more than 51 countries, this allows you to know and analyze your competitors, identify potential clients, identify new suppliers, explore and open up new markets and analyze the market share.
SICEX allows through the SISMAR module to search specialized information from the Colombian maritime movement.
• Importing and exporting companies around the world.
• Freight transport companies.